Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bay fast becoming serious Swansea media contender

The Bay is turning into a serious little Swansea media contender.
Congratulations to Lesley Williams for making it through the first year of her own publication - and well done to all those who've supported it so far through advertising and readership.
The latest edition, datelined April, boasts 80 pages and a super-confident first three pages which urge support for the Welsh Guards Afghanistan Appeal.
The main beauty in The Bay, however, is the increasing amount of editorial and the continuing elegance of the advertising design.
Editorially this month, there are attention-holding features such as a profile on Swansea Building Society CEO Alun Williams, an excellent fitness directory with Su George, a seared scallops and parma ham recipe from All Seasons' chef Sam Mullan and a preview of new Iris Gower novel House of Shadows.
Top ads in the Media Master's view include a carefully crafted quarter page for Swansea's Alison Broady Creative Gardens and a punchy promo for Street Dance Swansea.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Andy - This last year has been a learning curve - I'm sure the next one will be too! You can never stand still in publishing!
    A big thank you too, to all our supporters, both readers and advertisers.
